BS4 Retail

What can IPC do

The value of the people counting and the importance of the numbers

The combination of social evolution and technological trends accelerates the feedback cycle of customer expectations.
We need numbers and data in real time to find new ways to engage customers.
Measuring people's accesses and measuring customers' movements are actions that allow us to obtain important data and information for marketing.

Smart Traffic Counter

Traffic counters are very useful to get precise information on the progress of the activity. BS4 technologies , however, incorporate an intelligent counting system: wrong numbers never again!

IPC white list

Staff exclusion

Thanks to the advanced software that controls BS4 technologies, through which a precise count of the actual customers can be obtained: it is possible to exclude the staff and suppliers from the access count.

Passers-by outside the store

Knowing the flows also outside the store can give information on its progress in relation to the area in which it is located, and help to better understand the potential customers of the area.

Space management

Knowing the people flow and their behavior can be a great help to improve the management of crowds and the organization of space, to increase sales and profits.

Group Analysis

The advanced software that controls the BS4 technologies not only records the number of inputs, but also analyzes groups of customers, to get a REAL count of the number of actual customers.

Que Counters

Through BS4 technologies it is possible to analyze the formation of queues at cash desks or in other specific points, to improve the positioning of staff members and the efficiency of the activity and significantly increase profits.

IPC heatmap

Heatmaps and path analysis

BS4 technologies can provide heatmaps and route maps, which show the areas that are most visited by customers and the routes that customers normally run within the area, useful for improving the positioning of information and advertising.

Showcases and product attractiveness

Measuring the attractiveness of showcases and of products can increase profits, through precise data on the conversion rate of each one. It is also possible to reduce expenses thanks to the knowledge of truly appealing design choices.

Periodic occupation of stores or individual areas

Knowing the occupation of a store or individual areas in different periods of the day, week or year can improve the organization of working hours: work less and earn more!

Customer classification at the checkout

Through BS4 technologies it is possible to obtain detailed information on the habits of customers in the absence of loyalty cards: at the time of payment, the information of the receipt is combined with data detected by the traffic counter.
With our PCC technology it is possible to create the customer’s profile without the use of fidelity cards.

IPC digital signage

Digital signage: personalize images, sounds and fragrances

Thanks to the demographic analysis software, BS4 technologies can be used to personalize information on digital signage screens, in order to show the customer what suits them best.

Immediate data analysis

BS4 technologies are integrated with data analysis and visualization software that makes it easy to extract useful information even without the help of an analyst.

Privacy by design

Privacy is a priority for BS4, which has committed itself to obtain official certifications of privacy compliance through design choices specifically aimed at this goal. All data collected is absolutely anonymous. Read more about our certifications.


Thanks to BS4 technologies, it is possible to obtain specific information on one or more customer demographic data: gender, age group, ethnicity. It is also possible, for example, to exclude children from the count.


Modular and customized solutions

BS4 solutions can be modeled on the needs of each customer, who can decide when and what to buy: if a function is not necessary for your business, you can simply not buy it.


  • Improve the return on investment
  • Analyze behaviors and trends
  • Analyze the conversion rate between passers-by and inputs
  • Analyze the relationship between accesses and visited areas in the store
  • Analyze the conversion rate between accesses and sales
  • Optimize the number of employees and the working times
  • Analyze the conversion rate between accesses and weather conditions
  • Analyze the relationship between accesses and area size
  • Know the length of each visit to the store
  • Improve the positioning of products and information
  • Improve the customers’ experience in the store
  • Design and analyze an investment in gamification