Large company operating in the energy service, which wanted to improve the lunch break of its employees through the optimization of the canteen area also compared to the bar area.
Analyze all areas of the cafeteria, monitor the occupation of self-area, boxes and tables and send the processed data to a specially-built app.
Monitoring of the canteen area and construction of ad hoc applications.
BS4 Technology used: Intelligent People Counter - IPC People Counter.
Optimization of the dining experience, improving the management of the canteen spaces, the lunch break time and greater employee satisfaction.
Better management of the canteen service work.
Number of users who use the dedicated application daily: 4500
Number of devices used for monitoring: 24
Time to update the occupation of each monitored area: Instant
Additional features: Possibility to evaluate a downsizing of the dining area
A large company operating in the energy service has decided to optimize the dining experience of its employees through the use of BS4 technology to detect the occupation of the self area, boxes and tables.
The data collected from this analysis can then be consulted through a mobile application developed by us ad hoc, provided free of charge to the customer's employees.
Thanks to the app, the employees can then monitor the occupation in real time in real time and rely on a system of data analysis that alerts them on the best time to go to the canteen or if it is convenient to choose a lunch at the inside bar.
Thanks to the table occupancy detection devices, it was also possible to suggest to employees, through the app, which tables to address to find seats.
Through this improvement, the customer has obtained an optimization of the dining experience, with a large number of advantages, including: better management of the canteen spaces, so as to be able to serve a greater number of employees in a smaller space; better management of the lunch break time, in order not to have to lengthen the time to allow everyone to eat and not have to subtract space to enlarge the canteen area; greater employee satisfaction, which leads to less stress and more work performance and better management of the work of the canteen service.
For more information on the application of BS4 technologies for restaurants, contact us or visit the dedicated page .
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